Content Bolsters Digital-Media Slate


LONDON: Content Media Corporation’s digital-content arm has scored all rights to the 6×30-minute independent comedy Strictly Sexual: The Series in a deal with Atlantis Investment.

Spun-off from the indie film Strictly Sexual, the show has already fared well digitally in the U.S. on Hulu, Netflix and iTunes. Content will offer the series across all platforms, including broadcast and digital.

“What we have acquired in Strictly Sexual: The Series is a property which will work hard in all media and has the potential to be absolutely game changing in the world of episodic online program streaming," said Jonathan Ford, executive VP of digital acquisitions and distribution at Content Digital. "We are delighted to present this series to U.S. and international buyers.”

Joel Viertel, co-creator and director of Strictly Sexual: The Series, added, “Content Digital’s approach to Strictly Sexual: The Series filled us with confidence as they recognize the potential it has to become a landmark success story for online streaming, download and traditional broadcast.”