DISCOP Digital Editions Now Available


NEW YORK: The digital editions of World Screen, TV Europe and TV Kids are now available.

World Screen
Hot Topic: Buyers across Central & Eastern Europe are willing to open their wallets when the right import comes along. Plus interviews with Content Media’s John Schmidt, Azteca’s Mario San Román and Telemundo Internacional’s Marcos Santana.
here to view.

TV Europe
Hot Topic: TVN Group’s Markus Tellenbach discusses what have been the drivers of the company’s success. Plus a special report on Latin American novelas in Central & Eastern Europe and an interview with CME’s Adrian Sarbu.
here to view.

TV Kids
Hot Topic: A look at some of the strategies used to launch successful licensing-and-merchandising programs. Plus interviews with Saban Brands’ Elie Dekel and Nerd Corps’ Ken Faier. Also available at Licensing Show.
here to view.