Endemol Picks Up Keshet Format


LONDON: The format Coming Soon: Love, which launched on Keshet earlier this year, has been added to Endemol’s catalogue for international productions outside of Israel. 

The show launched on the Israeli broadcaster on January 1 and has been a hit for the channel, increasing Keshet’s slot average by 80 percent. To date, the series has averaged a 25-percent rating and 41-percent share in its Saturday night slot. Endemol now holds the rights to produce local versions of the show outside of Israel and will also work to license the format to third parties. 

The relationship docu-soap centers on a web-based community of five celebrity women who are on a journey to find love. Via webcams, the five share their most intimate secrets about their love lives and the dates they go on with each other, the show’s host and viewers. Together they form a support group, commenting on the men, available 24/7 to give advice and lend support. 

Grant Ross, Endemol’s director of acquisitions, commented: “Coming Soon: Love is a brilliantly innovative format that uses TV and social media to transport viewers into an intimate world of celebrity, dating, and all the complexities of relationships. It is a completely infectious mix that has become a huge talking point in Israel and has been pulling in outstanding numbers. We believe it has great international potential.”

Keren Shahar, the head of Keshet’s formats and acquisitions, added: “Coming Soon: Love has proven to be an outstanding success for our channel. The format’s unique way of storytelling provides the viewers a rare access to these women’s most intimate moments. We are thrilled to be partnering with Endemol on this format, as they are the perfect company to roll out the format internationally and to adapt this unique concept to audiences worldwide."