CAKE to Co-Produce New Animated Tween Series


LONDON: CAKE has entered into a partnership with Sticky Pictures to co-produce the animated tween series Herb and Ray’s Yum.

The series follows two buddies, Herb and Ray, who host The Yum, a wacky cooking show. The 52×12-minute series is designed and created by Pete Candeland and Stu Connolly.

Tom van Waveren, CEO and creative director at CAKE, said: “Sticky Pictures is a company we have been wanting to work with for a long time. Herb and Ray’s Yum is a perfect example of their fresh and irreverent style. On top of that, with Stu and Pete at the center, this is the kind of creator lead shows that we are proud and excited to be partnering on. Though the ultimate goal is to have as much fun as Herb and Ray have on The Yum!”

Donna Andrews, CEO and executive producer at Sticky Pictures, added: “Sticky is thrilled to be working with CAKE on Herb and Ray’s Yum. From day one the CAKE team has been super-enthusiastic about the show, and with their fantastic track record in both production and distribution we feel fortunate to be partnering with them.”

The series has been developed with the assistance of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.