Lionsgate/Massify Ink YouTube Distribution Deal

SANTA MONICA: YouTube will serve as the primary global distribution platform for original online short films produced by the partnership between Lionsgate and online talent network Massify.

The first project from the partnership, called the Lionsgate Incubator (LINC)—which goes live today—is billed as a high-concept, male-driven comedy short, based on Massify user-submitted material brought to life by directors, cast, and crew from its online talent network of emerging filmmakers. Writers and filmmakers can submit pitches until March 8. The Lionsgate development team will then select one concept to be produced into a short film. Beginning March 19, Massify will invite directors to submit materials, and cast and crew members will be able to submit for available roles beginning April 1. Production on the short begins early May 2010. Lionsgate will then evaluate the short for development into a feature-length film. 

"This collaboration signals a new step in feature film development, production and distribution for next generation consumers," said Curt Marvis, the president of digital for Lionsgate. "This is a pioneering business model for creating film projects within the online creative talent community and bringing them to online audiences around the world. It represents the first time a movie studio has linked a massive online community of filmmakers with a studio development process. This announcement of a LINC distribution relationship with YouTube establishes the foundation for bringing this new content to more than 100 million YouTube viewers worldwide."

"YouTube’s involvement with Lionsgate Incubator embodies how our network has evolved into an innovative solution for our media partners to generate content and ideas," added Kenneth Woo, the co-founder of Massify. "By creating real opportunities with leaders in the industry, Massify continues to attract the best and brightest digital storytellers."

"This relationship with Lionsgate and Massify reflects YouTube’s goal to enable a new generation of independent filmmakers," noted Kevin Yen, the director of strategic partnerships at YouTube. "Lionsgate and Massify coming together unites the immense power of the leading next generation film studio with the endless creativity of Massify’s network, and distributes original, premium content to one of the largest and most engaged online communities in the world."