Reed MIDEM Names Laurine Garaude TV Director

PARIS: Reed MIDEM has confirmed Laurine Garaude as the director of its television division, with direct management for MIPTV, MIPDOC, MIPCOM and MIP Junior. 


Garaude has been serving in the role in an acting capacity for the last year, since the departure of Paul Johnson. She was previously director of customer relationship marketing and product development at Reed MIDEM. She joined the organization in 1993 to launch MILIA, the interactive content market, which she ran for a decade, until it was merged with MIPTV.

Reed MIDEM’s chief executive, Paul Zilk, commented: “Laurine is an excellent manager with extensive knowledge of the television and digital industries and great experience here at Reed MIDEM. She understands how the entertainment industry is evolving and how our shows and services must continue to evolve to benefit our clients.”