Winners Named for Japan Prize

TOKYO: The winners for the 36th Japan Prize, which recognizes high-quality educational media, were announced at a ceremony at the NHK Broadcasting Center, with the Grand Prix going to What’s Your News? from the U.K.’s TT Animation.

What’s Your News? is a news show produced for children from a child’s point of view. The series is targeted at kids 4 to 6, and offers them a view of the larger world outside their family environment.

The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Prize went to Merle from the Netherland’s Katholieke Radio Omroep (KRO). In the youth category, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Prize was awarded to Jimmy Doherty in Darwin’s Garden: Dangerous Ideas from the U.K.’s Open University Worldwide.

In the continuing education category, the Governor of Tokyo Prize was won by the web property Sharkworld from Ranj Serious Games of the Netherlands. The President of NHK Prize, in the category of welfare education, went to Cecilie and the School Fairy from Danmarks Radio (DR) of Denmark. Little Airplane Productions of the U.S. won the Maeda Prize for best series with The Wonder Pets!

The TV Proposal Division aims to support program producers with limited means of production and opportunity with a cash prize of $8,000. The best proposal was awarded with the Hoso Bunka Foundation Prize, which went to What’s the Buzz? by Swaziland Television Authority.