9Live Secures Call-TV Deals in the Middle East

MUNICH, August 4: SevenOne
International has secured deals on behalf of the fellow ProSiebenSat.1
Media-owned 9Live to bring the German quiz station’s call-TV technology to the
Middle East.

A deal has been struck
with Atlas Interactive, an international provider of access and billing
solutions, for a four-hour call show on its Mlive channel. 9Live Arabia will air from 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. The show will
be carried via Eutelsat and Arabsat to Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco,
Mauritania, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,
UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Yemen, as well as some European markets.

9Live’s chairman, Marcus
Wolter, noted, “I’m delighted at this cooperative venture. With our unique
know-how in high-quality and highly profitable call TV, we hope to expand the
call TV business model successfully to the Arabic-speaking countries as well.
We’ve already produced a call TV show for the United Kingdom, proving that
9Live can be a success internationally.”

Jens Richter, the MD of
SevenOne International, added, “We included 9Live in our portfolio only four
months ago, and we’re delighted to have such a stunning success in such a short
time. With its many broadcasters, the Arab region is a very complex but also
very exciting market for us, with immense potential.”