ZenithOptimedia: TV’s Share of Ad Pie on the Rise


LONDON: Issuing its latest ad expenditure forecasts, ZenithOptimedia notes that television is the largest contributor to global growth, accounting for 49 percent of new ad dollars between 2010 and 2013, while its rising share of the ad pie shows no sign of reaching a plateau.

TV’s share of global ad spend was 37.3 percent in 2005; it rose to 40.1 percent last year and is on track to reach 41.4 percent in 2013. ZenithOptimedia forecasts television ad expenditure will grow from $179.6 billion to $215 billion between 2010 and 2013.

Overall adspend across all mediums will increase by 4.1 percent this year to $471 billion, marking a return to the pre-recession peak levels.

ZenithOptimedia says it made small downward adjustments to its forecasts for North America, Europe and Latin America. North America is expected to grow 2.3 percent this year to $165.3 billion. Western Europe is expected to see a 3.3 percent growth rate to $106.1 billion. A 9-percent growth rate is seen for Central & Eastern Europe, to $27.7 billion. Latin America is forecast to reach $33.4 billion, a 6.7 percent growth rate. The Asia Pacific, meanwhile, has an improved forecast of 5.9 percent growth to $123.3 billion. The earthquake in Japan has been less disruptive than initially feared, ZenithOptimedia says, revising its Japanese forecast to a 2.4 percent decline from the previously expected 4.1 percent decline. The big change for in the forecast is for the Middle East and North Africa, where ZenithOptimedia expects a 12.1 percent fall in 2011 to $4.5 billion.

For 2012, ZenithOptimedia sees a 5.9 percent growth in global ad expenditure to $499.2 billion. All markets are expected to see growth rates rebound, including CEE (13.6 percent), MENA (8.9 percent), Latin America (8.1 percent) and Asia Pacific (8.2 percent). Growth rates will be more modest in North America (3.6 percent) and Western Europe (3.6 percent.)