Warner Bros.’s Bruce Rosenblum Elected TV Academy Chairman


NEW YORK: The board of governors of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences has elected Bruce Rosenblum, the president of Warner Bros. Television Group, to a two-year term as the chairman and CEO.

At Warner Bros., Rosenblum oversees the worldwide distribution of all programming from the Television Group for all current and emerging platforms. He has also been an architect for the CBS joint venture forming The CW, which he continues to oversee on behalf of Warner Bros.

A number of additional officers were elected as well. Vice chair is Kevin Hamburger, the outgoing treasurer and senior supervising producer of The Talk. The second vice chair is Frank Scherma, the current governor of commercials for the Peer Group, the current Creative Arts Awards Show committee vice chair, and the president of @radical media. Marcelino Ford, the current bylaws committee vice chair and the the general manager of interactive content and advanced advertising development for Intel’s Media Group, is the new secretary. Susan Nessanbaum-Goldberg, the current governor production executive and the current Primetime Awards committee co-chair, is the new treasurer. Joetta Di Bella is the new Los Angeles area vice chair.