Red Arrow Studios International to Rep Prisoners of the Moon

Red Arrow Studios International has been named the international distributor of Bandit Films’ Prisoners of the Moon, a critically acclaimed documentary about the darker side of the Apollo II lunar landings.

Directed by Johnny Gogan (Last Bus Home, Mapmaker, Black Ice, The Nuncio and the Writer), the documentary follows the true story of Arthur Rudolph, one of over 100 Nazi V2 rocket engineers secretly brought to America in 1945 to work on the Cold War missile program. He later became a key figure in the Space Race but was detained in Toronto in 1990 on suspicion of being a war criminal.

Featuring previously unseen transcripts, Rudolph’s story comes alive with archive footage, expert witness interviews and the testimony of Jean Michel, a slave labor survivor of the subterranean wartime V2 factory. Rudolph is played by Jim Norton.

Gogan said: “We don’t want to rain on the Apollo 11 parade—those astronauts were heroes—but there are other kinds of heroism, stories of great human endurance connected with the development of rockets and these stories also deserve to be told.”

Bo Stehmeier, president of Red Arrow Studios International, added: “Prisoners of the Moon is a compelling documentary, a unique and chilling take on the history of the Apollo 11 moon landing; it’s a perfect addition for those broadcasters looking to mark the anniversary of the first man on the moon. We are delighted to be launching it at MIPTV as part of our factual slate.”