MIPTV Spotlight: Curiosity

Secrets of the Universe, which takes viewers along on adventures to uncover the truth about the universe’s enduring mysteries, is among the titles that Curiosity is spotlighting.

The company also has on offer the second season of Doug to the Rescue, which sees aerial cinematographer Doug Thron use his cutting-edge infrared drone to find and rescue animals around the world across five episodes.

In the three-parter Planet Insect, audiences will get a glimpse of the world of insects, which bears unexpected similarities to the human world.

“Our high-quality factual content is brand-safe for all providers across all platforms,” says Bakori Davis, Curiosity’s managing director and head of international distribution. “We tell real stories about real people that satisfy customers’ appetites to know more about the world around them.”

Davis adds, “We’re eager to meet with potential partners about their needs and how Curiosity can deliver on them.”