European Sales for WWII Doc China’s Schindlers

MAINZ: ZDF Enterprises has secured sales for the World War II documentary China’s Schindlers across Europe.

The hour-long title produced by New Zealand’s NHNZ for CICC (China Intercontinental Communication Center) in China was acquired by Histoire in France, RTVE in Spain, History Channel Germany and ORF III in Austria. ZDF Enterprises also sold the title to Spectrum (AMC Networks Central Europe) for Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The documentary focuses on the Chinese diplomat Dr. Feng Shan Ho, who enabled Viennese Jews persecuted by the Nazis to escape to Shanghai, and the German businessman and NSDAP member John Rabe, who established a protection zone around his home in Nanjing in 1937. Rabe was able to save more than 200,000 Chinese from Japanese soldiers. The two men were known as “China’s Schindlers.”