Altitude Factual & BirdDog Media Align for Close Encounters


Altitude Factual and BirdDog Media have joined forces to produce Close Encounters, which explores unique relationships between people and animals in their natural habitats around the world.

The 13×30-minute series reveals the journeys of extraordinary individuals who have put their hearts, minds and energies into developing connections with animals in the wild—from dolphins to platypus, sharks, dugongs, pangolins and bears. They’ve discovered things about the way that animals feel and think that science has yet to fully understand through these encounters that have often changed the courses of their lives.

Close Encounters also brings to light the surprising opportunities for interspecies communication on our own planet.

Filming on Close Encounters will commence in the fall.

Paul Sowerbutts, head of Altitude Factual, commented: “This series takes a very fresh look at truly close, intimate relationships between humans and wild animals and has very high-quality natural history filming. We know the global audience has a desire to explore a closer contact with nature and this series will take them there in locations across the planet.”

Stephen Ellis, president of BirdDog Media, said: “We’re delighted to be teaming up with our long-time industry colleagues at Altitude Factual to create a next-level audience experience at a time of rekindling relationships post-pandemic.”