Spike Team Season Three Debuts on Rai Gulp

The third season of Spike Team, an animated series distributed by Multicom Entertainment Group, is currently airing on Rai Gulp in Italy.

Season three features stories of courage, power, disability and teamwork as the female volleyball team competes in matches across Italy. Spike Team premiered this month and airs every morning at 7 a.m. on Rai Gulp.

The third season will also feature an animated version of wheelchair fencing champion Bebe Vio. Spike Team was created by Italian champion Andrea Lucchetta and is a co-production of Lucky Dreams Production, Rai Ragazzi and AudioWorks Producers Group.

“There is always particular attention [paid] to the Paralympic world,” said Luca Milano, the CEO of Rai Ragazzi. “This helps [discussions] about integration in all different sports and disciplines.”