Soyuzmultfilm (SMF) Studio premiered the new animated series Coolics, based on the comic book from Russian publisher Bubble Comics, during MIPCOM.
The adventure-comedy series centers on a team of young cadets in the Space Academy whose mission is to search for superpowered creatures on different planets to help protect the universe from evil. SMF Studio has produced seven episodes of Coolics and is planning to produce 45 more.
SMF Studio’s creative producer and director, Alexandra Bizyaeva, and Bubble Comics’ editor-in-chief, Roman Kotkov, and creative producer, Evgeniy Eronin (Major Grom: The Plague Doctor), created an original cartoon universe, where each character has a separate storyline.
Yuliana Slashcheva, chairman of the board of SMF Studio, said: “Coolics is a truly innovative project not only for the SMF Studio but for the entire Russian animation industry. This is the first experience of creating an animated series based on comics. Together with Bubble, we were trying to deliver a simple truth—being a superhero does not mean having superpowers at all. It is enough to be able to show kindness, courage and responsiveness, to take care of friends and the world around us. These are the core values of our classic animation films. The continuity of generations is especially symbolic for us in the year of the 85th anniversary of the legendary film studio.”
Kotkov added: “It’s probably the most superhero project that we have ever done. It has vivid images, superpowers and memorable heroes; in general, everything you need to love this story.
“I would also like to note that in this case, the people who worked on the series had previously worked directly on the comics, so the partnership between Bubble and SMF Studio is an example of an ideal collaboration to create a cool project. And it’s just the beginning of our cooperation, we have a lot of surprises ahead.”