Nickelodeon UK to Air Planet Lulin


The live-action kids’ drama series Planet Lulin, produced by Moody Street Kids and Princess Pictures, has clinched a slot on Nickelodeon in the U.K. and Ireland.

Targeted to 7- to 12-year-olds, the coming-of-age story is about a preteen girl named Lulin who has a human dad and an extra-terrestrial mum. As the first-ever human-Astoradian, Lulin is going through some little green changes.

Planet Lulin launched on ABC TV in Australia in 2023.

Louise Bucknole, general manager of kids and family at Paramount UK & Ireland, said, “Fun and engaging with the important theme of self-discovery at its heart, Planet Lulin is a wonderful addition to our comedy lineup on Nickelodeon, and we’re excited to bring it to viewers in the U.K. and Ireland.”