Co-produced with CCTV Animation, Panda and Krash, on offer from FUN Union, is a new series that will be making its global premiere in Cannes.
“China is the country of honor during MIPJunior and MIPCOM, and we anticipate that this will incite particular interest from buyers in new animation productions made in China,” says Christine Brendle, the CEO of FUN Union.
Also on offer from the company is BabyRiki, which uses a combination of live action and animation. “Each episode has its own musical story, which appeals to all preschoolers and their parents,” says Brendle. “Two seasons are now complete [and] season three will be completed in early 2019.”
In addition, FUN Union is presenting a 7-minute extension of BabyRiki, tentatively titled BabyRiki New Adventures, as well as KikoRiki and its sister series PinCode.