MIPCOM Spotlight: Superights

Superights is highlighting the 3D animated non-dialogue series The Adventures of Little Penguin, produced by Tencent.

The Adventures of Little Penguin follows young penguin Oscar as he explores the world and meets new characters who teach him about himself and others.

The 2D animated series Croco Doc aims to educate kids on health issues and cures for different diseases in a fun way.

Featuring 3D animation with a clay effect, each episode of Anna & Friends explores the title character’s daily life, surrounded by her inseparable pals. “This CGI program helps children develop their imagination, creativity and fantasy,” says Nathalie Pinguet, deputy general manager of sales and acquisitions.

“This year again, we have a lot of new additions in our catalog,” adds Pinguet. “Come and meet us at our new booth to discover them.”

In addition, “Superights is always seeking new, entertaining and diverse programs to enrich its catalog.”