SF Studios Boards The Nation’s Gambit


SF Studios has greenlit the thriller The Nation’s Gambit (En nasjon i sjakk), with a theatrical release set for fall 2025.

Directed by Jens Lien, the feature film is being adapted from Johan Høst’s crime novel of the same name by Norwegian production company Stig og Stein Studio, with SF Studios and Film i Väst as co-producers. Presales have begun.

SF Studios will distribute the film in the Nordics, while REinvent will handle international sales.

“The Nation’s Gambit has a remarkably original plot,” said Lien. “I look forward to creating a gripping action film that showcases how fragile our democracy is when challenged by cynical and ruthless forces. The strong concept developed by Stig og Stein Studio provides me with the foundation to make a spectacular action film unlike anything seen in Norway.”

Silje Glimsdal, senior acquisition manager at SF Studios, said: “This is a dream project for us at SF Studios! The Nation’s Gambit will, without a doubt, be a great movie, with high speed, action and excitement. When we read the book two years ago, it was clear to us that the concept and the intense plot would make a fantastic feature film for the big screen. With Jens Lien in the director’s chair, the audience will be served world-class entertainment, and we cannot be happier to be a part of this journey.”