Medialaan Brings Walter Presents to Belgium

The foreign-language drama streaming service Walter Presents is continuing its expansion outside of the U.K. with a launch this month in Belgium with Medialaan.

Rolled out in the U.S., Australia and Italy following its British success, Walter Presents will be available to Flemish audiences via Medialaan’s VTM GO later this month. Over two years, VTM GO aims to deliver more than 500 hours of foreign-language drama. At launch, the lineup will include The River, Locked Up, Fugitives and Veni, Vidi, Vici.

Walter Iuzzolino, co-founder and curator of Walter Presents, noted, “I have long been a champion of Belgian drama which has a world-class reputation for delivering innovative series with stylish execution. I know Flemish audiences are hungry for more quality fiction, so I’m delighted to be partnering with Medialaan and VTM GO to showcase original stories, compelling thrillers and proven international hit series from around the world.”

Ricus Jansegers, television director at Medialaan, added, “Walter Presents is a quality label. Walter peruses drama series in every language and selects only the best for Walter Presents. We know that our viewers love intriguing fiction, so by introducing Walter Presents we are extending our range even further.”