IM Global to Adapt The Happiness Machine as Sci-Fi Series

IM Global Television has optioned the rights to Katie Williams’ upcoming science-fiction novel The Happiness Machine, which will be adapted for the small screen by Patrick Tobin.

The story is set in a world where a technology has been created that can determine, with nearly perfect accuracy, what someone needs to do to be happy. The device reads a person’s DNA and gives them a “contentment plan” with recommendations that range from the mundane to the severe and the bizarre. The Happiness Machine explores how the lives of a number of characters are affected by this new science in their search for contentment.

IM Global Television’s president, Mark Stern, said: “Katie Williams’ book is a quietly intense and emotional page-turner which explores, with even-handed aplomb, the complexities of our search for contentment and our twisted relationship with the technologies that serve us and that we serve. In Patrick Tobin, we’ve found the perfect writer to adapt this provocative material for television.”