Delete Me Added to NENT Group Original Drama Slate

The Norwegian young adult drama series Delete Me has been lined up as the next original production from Nordic Entertainment Group (NENT Group).

The short-form series gathers a star cast of rising Norwegian talents and uses innovative narrative techniques to explore vital contemporary topics such as cyber-bullying, hacking and exclusion. The story is told in reverse time order across seven 20-minute episodes. Delete Me will premiere exclusively on NENT Group’s Viaplay streaming service in late 2020.

Filippa Wallestam, NENT Group’s chief content officer, said: “The internet never forgets—and the psychological and social consequences of sharing one picture too many can last a lifetime. Delete Me is based on in-depth conversations with young people and combines a new generation of Norwegian talents with distinctive storytelling and captivating visuals to show just how difficult growing up in 2020 can be. NENT Group’s Norwegian originals, such as Wisting, have been enormously successful across the Nordic region and internationally, and we expect Delete Me to make a lasting impression.”