Televisa Showcases Formats for NATPE

MEXICO CITY, January 15: Televisa Internacional, previously
known as Televisa Estudios, is offering up a slate of formats at NATPE, led by Dancing
for the Wedding of My Dreams
and The
Magnificent Five

The 10×210-minute Dancing for the Wedding of My Dreams (Bailando por la Boda de Mis Sueños) will put couples through a dance and interaction
competition. Each team consists of an engaged couple and a celebrity who will
dance with one of them. The couple with the largest number of audience call-in
votes in the grand finale will win a spectacular wedding in front of millions
of TV viewers.

Another competition series, The Magnificent Five (Los Cinco Magnificos), will watch seven teams competing in a circus ring,
facing the most difficult and heart-stopping tests ever attempted. The teams
are headed by celebrities, who will risk their names and reputations, as well
as their lives, in order to help those in need.

In addition to these two new formats, Televisa will also be
heading to the market with the drama series SOS—Sex and Other Secrets (SOS—Sexo y Otros Secretos) and Woman, Real Life Stories (Mujer, Casos de la Vida Real), the action offering The Panther (El Pantera) and the thriller Thirteen Fears (Trece Miedos), as well
as the comedic sitcom And Now What?
(Y Ahora Que Hago?) and RBD,
The Family
(RBD, La Familia), which is based on real-life stories of the band
members of RBD.

—By Kristin Brzoznowski