Telenovela Category to be Added to the International Emmys

NEW YORK, January 7: The International Academy of Television
Arts & Sciences has announced the formation of a 12th program category,
Telenovelas, for the International Emmys.

The new category will recognize excellence in telenovelas
produced and initially aired outside of the U.S. The first International Emmy
Award for Telenovelas will be presented at the 36th International
Emmy Awards Gala, on Monday, November 24, in New York City.

Telenovelas is the 12th program category recognized by the
Academy, with the others being Arts Programming, Best Performance by An Actor,
Best Performance by an Actress, Children & Young People, Comedy, Current
Affairs, Documentary, Drama Series, News, Non-Scripted Entertainment and TV

The entry deadline for the 2008 International Emmy Awards
competition is March 10.

“The telenovela genre has grown into a global phenomenon
which has inspired hit shows in Europe, Asia and North America, as well as
Latin America,” said the International Academy’s president and CEO, Bruce
Paisner. “We are delighted to begin to recognize the creative and production
community behind these programs with this new category.”

—By Kristin Brzoznowski