Southern Star Lands Swedish Pickups

SYDNEY: The documentary series RPA and police drama Water Rats have been sold by Southern Star International to the TV4 Group in Sweden.

RPA will air on the Swedish/Finnish documentary channel TV4 FAKTA, while Water Rats heads to the male-skewed Danish channel CANAL9. Water Rats, produced by Southern Star Entertainment, is set in Sydney and looks at the crime below the city’s surface. RPA is produced by the Nine Network Australia and is now in its 15th season.

"Water Rats is an old acquaintance of ours and we felt it could do the job as a daily daytime strip when launching CANAL9 last month, our new male-skewed channel in Denmark," said Clara Scherman, the head of acquistions for TV4.

"RPA is a very honest, emotional and fascinating documentary series about the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia," commented Ole Steen Stolberg, the senior acquisitions executive for the TV4 Group. "RPA is very well made and it takes the injured, sick and hospitalized people seriously and never crosses the line to where it becomes gross and exploitatious, which is quite a rare quality now days and one of the great reasons why we wanted to offer this quality series to our viewers."