Riesenfelder Named ORF Second Managing Director


VIENNA: Beatrice Riesenfelder is taking on the role of second managing director for ORF-Enterprise, where she will be working alongside Franz Prenner.

Reisenfelder returned to the ORF-Enterprise management team at the start of the year, after having established ORF’s content sales international department, specializing in international program sales. In her new role, Reisenfelder will assume CFO responsibilities, as well as continue managing content distribution, merchandising and licensing. Her role will also include music publishing of ORF-Enterprise.

Also falling under Reisenfelder’s purview is the commercial management of the ORF promotion and program service, which enables the efficient and economic use of services such as the ORF service for the hearing impaired, the emergency help desk for children, and other services.

For his part, ORF-Enterprise founder and CEO Franz Prenner is taking on the first managing director position and speaker of the Enterprise management. Responsibilities will include classical advertising in TV, radio and online media, extending across areas such as sales and new business development, special advertising, airtime management, research and pricing, strategic units and B2B communications.

Prenner said of the restructuring: “It is almost a logical extension, to merge the international and national program sales in the ORF-Enterprise. I am very much looking forward to working together with Beatrice Riesenfelder, who in her new position as CFO will be a wonderful addition, as will the newly merged fields. I am confident in saying that our teamwork will be rewarded with much success.”

Riesenfelder continued: “It was 12 years ago, when Franz Prenner had taken me from the print media, and introduced me to market leader of electronic media, and until this day I experience great joy working here. Taking over the ORF-Enterprise management is a great opportunity, to bring forward the many experiences I have acquired; in particular those in areas such as sales, management as well as my general observations at the ORF. I look forward to being able to incorporate these experiences, and to lead the ORF-Enterprise alongside Mr. Prenner in the direction of success.”