Promax|BDA, TiVo to Unveil New Viewing Data

LOS ANGELES: Promax|BDA is to present never-before released audience behavioral data based on TiVo’s Stop||Watch ratings service at its annual conference, taking place June 16 to 18 in New York City.

The TiVo Stop||Watch ratings service compiles second-by-second behavioral and viewership data from a sample of 100,000 TiVo units. The information is offered via a sortable database of ratings for nationally run programs, advertisements and promotions from 112 cable and broadcast networks dating back to September 2006. Promotion and marketing expert Lee Hunt will present and analyze new findings from the service at the conference, including evidence that promos are fast-forwarded less often than paid ads. Hunt will further detail important data from TiVo regarding the impact of factors such as pod position, program genre and spot duration on overall viewership of promos and the likelihood of a promo being fast-forwarded. The session will also unveil the top 10 most viewed and least fast-forwarded promos among TiVo service subscribers.

“As audiences’ consumption habits continue to shift away from traditional live television viewing, the TiVo data being presented at this year’s Promax|BDA is invaluable to marketing professionals in the entertainment industry,” said Jonathan Block-Verk, the president of Promax|BDA. “This will be a unique opportunity for industry professionals to learn about the continuously growing DVR audience that also represents trends among television consumers at large.”

“The congregation of top entertainment marketing and promotion executives at Promax|BDA makes it the perfect venue to release TiVo’s data on DVR viewing behavior and promos,” added Todd Juenger, the VP and general manager of TiVo audience research and measurement. “The data proves that DVR users continue to ‘vote with their remote’ and make choices about which advertisements and promos they want to watch, and which to fast-forward. It’s like a 100,000 person, passively observed focus group telling us which promotions best capture their imaginations and make them want to watch.”