New Structure for NBCU Latin American Global Nets

MIAMI, March 25: NBC
Universal Global Networks is shuttering its Buenos Aires office and
transferring local ad sales and affiliate sales for its channels in Latin
America to Fox Latin American Channels.

Under the new structure,
NBC Universal’s Miami office will have oversight of pan-regional ad sales for
Hallmark Channel, as well as marketing and operations for all three NBC
Universal brands: Universal Channel, SCI FI Channel and Hallmark Channel. Local
ad sales will continue to be overseen by NBC Universal in Mexico, Argentina and
Venezuela for the remainder of 2008, with immediate supervision and a gradual
transfer to Fox Latin America, who will manage upfront sales from now on and
all local sales from 2009 onward. As of today, Fox will immediately assume
responsibility for affiliate sales, and of local ad sales for all other

“It is going to be an
exciting year for Global Networks Latin America, and with all the recently
enacted changes, the company is poised to grow the business exponentially and
become an even greater asset to NBC Universal’s worldwide portfolio,” said
Steve Patscheck, the managing director of NBC Universal Global Networks for
Latin America.

—By Mansha Daswani