New Original Series for Fox Reality

LOS ANGELES, June 24: Fox
Reality Channel will launch a new celebrity competition series, Gimme My
Reality Show!
, on October 11,
directly following the 2008 Fox Reality Channel Really Awards.

The series features
celebrity reality stars competing in a variety of creative challenges to raise
as much public and press recognition for themselves as possible. A panel of
reality producers, TV executives and former reality stars will judge their
efforts, with the ultimate winner selected by viewer voting. The winner will receive
their own four-episode original series to premiere on Fox Reality Channel.

Celebrities already signed
to the show are Traci Bingham, best known for her stint on Baywatch; Santino Rice, a former contestant on Project
; and Gretchen Bonaduce, the
wife of Danny Bonaduce. Additional celebrity reality stars will be added before
the show begins full production.

Gimme My Reality Show! is truly unique,” said David Lyle, the president
of Fox Reality Channel. “It allows previous supporting reality stars the chance
to compete for extra time in the spotlight and for something they’ve haven’t
had—their OWN reality show.”

—By Kristin