Mini Movie Channel Launches Short-Film Portal

LOS ANGELES, May 21: Mini
Movie International Channel, a multiplatform new-media company, has launched
its English-language website, which offers up a selection of international
short films and original comedy programming for streaming.

Located at, Mini Movie aims to offer a vehicle for budding filmmakers to
gain broad visibility, as well as opportunities for interaction with film fans
and filmmakers worldwide. The company is also developing a slate of original
content by Famous Face Productions (FFP) that satirize today's biggest stars.

The company hopes that
today's launch will be the first step towards a global short-film network, as
Mini Movie Channel will extend its brand with launches in France, Germany and
Russia this summer. Mini Movie Channel is a subsidiary of Mini Movie
International Channel, which is headquartered in Luxembourg, with offices in
Paris, Moscow and Beverly Hills. Mini Movie Channel will combine all possible
methods of content delivery to create its own global audience, from traditional
television to IPTV, mobile TV and beyond.

—By Irene Lew