Lincoln Butterfield Inks Publishing Deal for RIP, M.D.

BURBANK: Fantagraphics Books has signed on to publish a graphic novel series based on Lincoln Butterfield Animation’s RIP, M.D., a teen-targeted property that takes a comical look at the real-life problems of monsters.

RIP, M.D. follows the adventures of Ripley Plimpt. After he finds and repairs the broken wing of a tiny vampire bat, he is accepted into the monster world as friend, confidant and protector. To monsters around the world, Ripley becomes known as RIP, M.D.—Monster Doctor. The graphic novel series is slated for a Q1 2010 release.

RIP, M.D. is in the Lincoln Butterfield catalogue alongside the tween properties TAN and NIT: Neighborhood Investigation Team, as well as Venture Probe and When in Rome.

Mitch Schauer, the creative director at Lincoln Butterfield, tells World Screen that he is excited to work with Frantagraphics, since its a unique deal for the publishing outfit. "The thing that’s exciting about it [the deal] is that the publisher is so excited about it too. They’re very well-known for putting out collections of past projects—Peanuts, Popeye, etc—and hard-cover books. For them to come to us and say, ‘We like this so much we’re going to take a risk and do something with a brand-new project,’ is very exciting."

Schauer also tells World Screen about what’s ahead for the animation company. "We’re always creating new projects. Animation is obviously our priority. We’re also looking at DVD movies, more graphic novels, getting into the Internet with shows. You could probably go down your list of how you get things out there and that’s what we’re looking to do. All five of our projects that we have right now are all different. That’s part of the excitement too, so that we don’t get into this cookie cutter way of thinking."