Irene Lew Promoted at WSN INC.

NEW YORK, June 13: WSN INC., the publishing group behind World
and a host of other publications for
the international media business, has promoted Irene Lew to associate editor.

Lew joined WSN in January as an editorial assistant, after
completing the Helena Rubinstein editorial internship at Women’s eNews, a nonprofit
online news agency. She received her BA in English, with a minor in journalism,
at the State University of New York in Albany.

Working under Anna Carugati, the group editorial director,
and Mansha Daswani, the executive editor, Lew will continue to contribute to
the online publications World Screen Newsflash, World Screen Weekly and
TV Kids Weekly, as well as to the
company’s print magazines, led by the flagship World Screen.

“In the six months that Irene has been here, she has become
an invaluable asset to our editorial team,” said Carugati. “Not only can we
count on her to meet her deadlines with clean and proficient copy, but she is
willing to help out and take on more—always with a lovely disposition.”

Lew can be reached on