French, Spanish Deals for Dori Novelas

CANNES, October 8: Dori
Media Group has scored new deals, worth $2.2 million, on its LaLola and Patito Feo (Ugly Duckling) novelas.

The deals were closed by
DMG’s fully owned Swiss subsidiaries, Dori Media International and Dori Media
Distribution. LaLola, a Dori
Media Group production, has been sold as a format to an unnamed Spanish
broadcaster. The show has already sold to more than 10 broadcasters and producers
in France, Chile, Russia, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay, among other markets.

Patito Feo, a new teen telenovela, has been sold to a French
TV broadcaster. It will air dubbed into French. Further contractual options are
available to the unnamed network that will give it the rights to broadcast more
episodes and to produce and air a local French version. These options will
raise the combined amount of these two deals to $4.3 million.