Former Sky Controller Heads to Current

LONDON: Current has tapped James Baker for the newly created post of general manager for the U.K. 

Baker joins Current from investment fund Fleming Media, where he focused on developing new IP opportunities across multiple platforms. Previously, Baker held several senior positions at BSkyB, which he joined in 1996 as head of programming. He was later promoted to controller for Sky One, Two and Three before taking on the position of managing director for Sky Networked Media.


Commenting on the appointment, Joanna Drake Earl, the COO of Current, said: "Current’s approach toward the creation of media for and with a young adult audience is unique in both strategy and execution. James’ exceptional passion and diverse experience make him perfectly suited to oversee those elements, while guiding our operations in the United Kingdom as we continue to innovate both online and on TV. We’re thrilled that he’s joined the Current team."

Baker added: "There’s no network in the marketplace with more potential than Current—that’s why I’m so delighted to be taking the opportunity to work with the team. As so many other channels battle against the slow incursion of online content and consumption, Current is shaping up to embrace a truly multiplatform future, where online and TV are fully linked, and users are given the opportunity to actively drive the direction of the network. 

He continued: "This doesn’t just provide viewers and web communities with a dynamic and rewarding experience, but also gives enlightened advertisers and commercial partners the opportunity to engage in smart, targeted and fully integrated campaigns—working directly with the Current production and marketing teams."