FME Takes On Licensing for WordWorld

NEW YORK, May 9:
FremantleMedia Enterprises (FME) has acquired the exclusive licensing
representation for the Emmy-nominated series WordWorld in North America and English-speaking countries.

FME will work to build a
licensing program across a variety of product categories that highlights the
property’s focus on word play for preschoolers. WordWorld is available, through FME, for licensing and
co-branding opportunities in publishing, apparel and accessories and
interactive, among others. The PBS KIDS series is currently supported by a toy
program with nationwide distribution at Target stores and

David Luner, the
senior VP of interactive and consumer products for FME in North America,
commented, “It’s hard to believe that with the variety of awards, consumer
recognition and retail success already bestowed on WordWorld that this property has been on TV for
less than a year. There is a palpable enthusiasm for the brand by both
licensees and retailers, and we’re looking to leverage this momentum and the
expertise of the FME infrastructure to approach the marketplace with a
long-term brand strategy that is true to the unique WordWorld assets and attributes.”

“We are delighted to be
partnering with FremantleMedia Enterprises and look forward to a collaboration
that delivers unprecedented innovation and growth across product categories in
the preschool market,” added Don Moody, the CEO and creator of WordWorld. “WordWorld’s expertise in the creative and educational domains coupled with
FremantleMedia’s proven track record in developing entertainment brands is certain
to produce exciting results—from a sales and innovation perspective.”

—By Kristin