ER Shores Up New Broadcast and Home Entertainment Deals

LONDON, September 11: Entertainment Rights has inked a range
of broadcast and home entertainment deals on its stable of kids’ brands,
including Postman Pat and content from
the Filmation Library.

ORF is among the broadcasters on board for Postman Pat, joining RaiSat/RaiTre, YLE, NRK, Ceska TV,
Ambang/RTB in Brunei and ATV, who have all signed up for additional episodes. In
addition, home entertainment rights have been licensed for the first time in
the Czech Republic (Bonton), and Malaysia (HVN video) and further series of Postman
have also been acquired for video in
Poland (Cassfilm), and South Africa (Next Video).

From the Filmation Library, video rights for Archies programming have been licensed to Saregama India,
which also took episodes of Ethelbert the Tiger, Little Red Tractor and Postman Pat. In France, SBBS has acquired the video rights to Blackstar, Bravestarr, Ghostbusters, Lassie
and Sabrina the Teenage Witch, among others.

In Spain, Promovip has acquired TV and video rights to Harveytoons
and Canal Sur has acquired Hasbro’s
Transformers Armada
, Transformers
and Transformers
programming for broadcast.

A deal was also concluded in Russia for video rights to Transformers
, Second Star and The Forgotten Toys with Soyuz Videp.