Danish Format Finds International Slots


LONDON/OSLO: Nordic World has sealed agreements across Europe and the Middle East for the Danish fashion format Shop Amok.

Germany, Spain, Russia, Italy, Belgium and Romania are among the territories to have snapped up the format. The format is also headed for the Middle East through an exclusive distribution agreement agreement with Northern Alliance, with Gong as the Danish affiliate.

Shop Amok aired on Kanal 4 this this spring and nearly doubled the slot average. The show watches as three girls are given 30 minutes to ransack a fashion store. The clothes are then presented to their boyfriends, who must match the items with their respective partners. The guy who guesses the most correctly wins the wardrobe for his girlfriend.

Lasse Eskildsen, the head of development at Gong Media, said: “We are now seeking business partners in the fashion industry who recognize the potential of showcasing their clothing lines in a TV series with international reach. And there are more sponsor-friendly formats on the way.”

Eskilden added: “We are certainly looking forward to seeing people in other countries go ‘shop amok’.

The first local versions of Shop Amok are expected to air this fall.