Content Television Adds New Chinese Factual Series to Slate


LONDON: Content Television has secured the worldwide distribution rights, outside of China and Japan, for the factual series World Heritage of China, via a deal with China Stories Inc.

The HD doc series was produced by China Central Television (CCTV), the Government Network Television organization, Oriental Media Co. and China Stories Inc. Filmed over the course of eight years, the show highlights diverse aspects of China, from its ancient history through to modern day. For the filming, unprecedented access way gained to many of the country’s restricted sites of natural and historical interest, including never-before-seen images of Jiuzhaigou Lake, the Dunhuang Mogao Caves, the classical gardens of Suzhou and Potala Palace.

Kentaro Tsujita, the president of China Stories Inc., commented, “We have spent a great deal of time and care creating the definitive account of the wonders of China and wanted to ensure that the global distribution of our special series was in safe hands. We are very pleased to appoint the team at Content Media Corp who we know will give it the attention it deserves across all media platforms.” 
Greg Phillips, the president of Content Television and Content Digital, said, “This is a truly fascinating look at China’s spectacular history, traditions, people and places that were once such a secret to the rest of the world. I am certain there will be strong international interest in this groundbreaking series and look forward to working with China Stories Inc. on this exciting project.”