Cecilia Lidin is the New Head of EDN

COPENHAGEN: Cecilia Lidin is to serve as the head of the European Documentary Network (EDN), taking on responsibility for the day-to-day activities and strategic planning.

The appointment follows a reorganization of the EDN office and of the way EDN will be functioning. The daily running and strategic planning will be done in shared management between Lidin and EDN network manager Hanne Skjødt. Together they will be responsible for the short- and long-term developments of EDN and will be referring to the EDN executive committee. 

Lidin also plans to restructure the way EDN operates its workshops and seminars. About this new structure, Lidin commented: "I think it is time to re-think EDN and adapt the structure of our organisation to the changing landscape we are navigating in. We want to be a more flexible and vibrant organization, which means incorporating our extensive network much more in our workshops, seminars and development programs. By making stronger use of the solid network EDN has in all corners of the international documentary scene, our organization will become an even stronger entity in delivering tailor-made training, development programs, market events and knowledge."