Cargo Film & Releasing Takes On Haiti-Aftermath Doc

NEW YORK: The documentary Aftershock: Surviving Haiti, from Toronto-based producer Claude Barnes of Keep It In The Family Productions for Canada’s Equator HD channel, spotlights the second stage of the earthquake-relief efforts in Haiti.

Barnes and crew landed in Haiti just 13 days after the earthquake, and will shoot there for an indefinite period of time. The doc is intended for a timely turnaround and is expected to premiere on Equator HD in early Spring. Cargo Film & Releasing will be presenting the film at MIPDOC and MIPTV.

"If the first few days after a disaster are all about triage, really, in terms of the immediate needs of the people affected, the story yet to tell is about the what happens next," said Barnes.

"When a disaster of this magnitude strikes, the world’s reaction is immediate—where can I send money?" commented John Panikkar, the president of Equator HD. "But in the weeks after sending a cheque or making a cash donation, people wonder what is happening now and will that money and all that aid in fact help build a foundation for a better future or just meet immediate needs? And will everything be confused and chaotic for an indefinite future? These are story lines people will want to watch."