C. Scot Cru

Executive in Charge, International
Mark Burnett Productions

Thanks to dramatic boardroom showdowns and a colorful cast of personalities, The Celebrity Apprentice has been one of NBC’s biggest hits this season, particularly among 18- to 34-year-olds. So it’s no wonder the network announced yesterday plans to renew the series for its 2010 schedule. Paul Telegdy, the executive VP of alternative programming at NBC and Universal Media Studios, called The Celebrity Apprentice "the ultimate business and reality show at the top of its game…It’s a valuable franchise and a proven competitor."

The Celebrity Apprentice is part of a string of hit alternative series from Mark Burnett Productions (MBP), whose roster includes the perennial Survivor on CBS and Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? on FOX. The company has now turned its attentions to the thriving cable space, with Bully Beat Down on MTV and the upcoming Wedding Day for TNT and Expedition Africa for History.

The expansion of the company’s slate with the American cable networks is part of a broader strategy "to be even smarter about the way we do business," says C. Scot Cru, who is driving MBP’s international strategy. His message to the worldwide market? "It’s a beautiful day at Mark Burnett!"

Cru has reason to be feeling optimistic about MBP’s global aspirations. The company has set up operations in France and in Singapore, and is continuing to roll out its key franchises to networks around the world. Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? has been produced in 54 countries, with a third cycle just ordered in Australia. The Apprentice U.K., meanwhile, is in season five on the BBC, and season six of The Apprentice Brazil just premiered to record ratings. LaSexta in Spain is producing its own edition for launch this fall, while the Irish version recently picked up an Irish Film & Television Award (IFTA). "That coupled with the success of U.S. celebrity version has really reinvigorated the franchise," Cru says.

Part of the company’s previous global distribution strategy had involved lining up outside partners, such as ShineReveille International for Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? and FremantleMedia Enterprises for The Apprentice. "We certainly have our own distribution system in place, and in the future you will see us doing more and more solo. When it makes strategic business sense, we are willing to consider partnering with somebody."

It is that flexibility that Cru most enjoys about his role at MBP. "This isn’t your huge studio. Sometimes we take a chance that a lot of people wouldn’t. We like to say, greater risk, greater reward. We’ve hit it more often than we haven’t. I like working in a place where I can be creative, I can wear lots of different hats."

And Cru has worn many different hats during his media career. Joining King World as a corporate travel manager, Cru realized he wanted to be much more involved in the television business, resulting in a move to Atlanta, where he landed at Turner Broadcasting. "I went to work at CNN and cut my teeth in the newsroom," says Cru, who later moved into distribution, selling the CNN signal to cruise ships. He then went on to Sony, which was distributing Burnett’s Eco-Challenge. "Mark and I became friends. I spent about three years asking for a job and finally he hired me! I love good storytelling. That’s why Mark and I get along so well. Mark is the consummate storyteller."