Beyond Sells to Thai PBS


SYDNEY: A multi-title deal has been firmed up between Beyond Distribution and the Thai Public Broadcasting Service, with a raft of programming that includes Wild Animal Baby Explorers and more.

The 52×15-minute Wild Animal Baby Explorers serves as an early introduction to the natural sciences for preschoolers. Also included in the package are Backyard Science, which provides practical activities for kids to do science in the real world; Hyper Parents & Coddled Kids, providing a look at how kids today or overprotected and overscheduled; and Riverdance Live from Beijing, filmed to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Irish dance troupe.

Joanne Azzopardi, the VP Australasia for Beyond, commented, “I’m thrilled that our children’s series and documentaries have such excellent placement in Thailand via Thai PBS. It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with Thai PBS and I anticipate their audience will enjoy these shows.