Atlantyca Sets Up Transmedia Division


MILAN: Atlantyca Entertainment, the Italian company behind the Geronimo Stilton brand, has set up a new business focused on research and development in the areas of video gaming, apps and web content.

Atlantyca-LAB will focus on transmedia brands and copyrights owned by Atlantyca and Atlantyca Dreamfarm as well as acquire new properties. It will focus on making contacts and developing know-how and creativity in the transmedia sphere. It is positioning itself as a base for dialogue between traditional content owners and transmedia experts.

The new business will be led by Pierdomenico Baccalario, author and publisher-in-chief at Atlantyca Entertainment, as managing director. Pietro Marietti, CEO of Atlantyca Entertainment, commented: “I must admit that when Pierdomenico told me about his idea I was rather skeptical and reluctant; Atlantyca Entertainment was then and still is an irrepressible breeding ground of ideas, rapidly turning into brand/products. With such feverish activity how could we find time for such a new and important project? Soon, however, the opportunity to experiment with trans-media storytelling principles, which we had already been working on for quite some time, naturally led to make the project part of the activities in progress, whose main goal is the valorization of creativity and young talents. Hence the establishment of Atlantyca-LAB.”