The November 2016 edition of WORLD SCREEN will have distribution at THREE markets: DISCOP AFRICA in Johannesburg, the AFM in Santa Monica and SCRIPTED in New York.
This is also our pre-International Emmys edition and will be distributed at the International Emmys World Television Festival in New York.
Here are the nine value-added benefits you will derive from placing an advertisement in the November edition:
1. This edition will give you exposure at three markets: DISCOP Africa, AFM and Scripted.
2. Your company will receive a profile (including a color image of a highlighted program and the headshot of the executive interviewed) in the front section of the magazine.
3. The profile will also appear in one of our daily newsletters before the markets.
4. The profile and your advertisement will also appear in the digital edition, reaching 35,000 media executives a week before the events.
5. We will place your electronic box ad on the home page of, or for one month.
6. You will have your own Screening Room on our video portal The Screening Rooms will be extensively promoted during the weeks prior to the events, and will be kept on our portal for three months.
7. Your program listings, including suite or booth number at the markets, will be available in the digital edition of TV LISTINGS. The digital edition, sent to 35,000 executives, averages 15,000 views before the markets begins.
8. Your complete program listings will also be published in the World Screen App, available for iOS and Android.
9. Your company’s news will receive priority treatment in our 4 online daily newsletters, 10 online weekly newsletters and 13 websites.
Space Reservations………October 10
Ad Materials…………………..October 12
For more information, please contact Ricardo Guise at:
(212) 924-7620 or e-mail: