Vivendi to Remain NBC Universal Shareholder

PARIS, December 14: Vivendi has decided to retain its 20
percent stake in NBC Universal, electing not to exercise its exit option that
begins in January 2007.

Vivendi announced today that it has informed General
Electric (GE), which owns 80 percent of NBC Universal, of its decision not to
exercise the exit rights. Further, the original agreement between the two
companies that led to the formation of NBC Universal has been modified.
Vivendi’s demand right can now be exercised in November each year from 2007 to
2016. Similarly, GE’s right to call on Vivendi’s interest can be exercised in
May each year from 2011 to 2017, with a floor price of $8.3 billion that will
increase each year from May 2009 based on the US Consumer Price Index.