MIPCOM Announces Nominations for Mobile TV Awards

PARIS, September 27: MIPCOM has announced the 23 nominations
and ten special mentions for its Mobile TV Screenings & Awards, with the
winners to be announced at a ceremony in Cannes on October 11.

Sponsored by Orange, Ericsson and the Korean Broadcasting
Commission, the Mobile Screenings & Awards brought in a record number of
290 entries from 34 countries, a 30-percent increase in submissions from 2005.
Paul Johnson, the director of Reed MIDEM’s television division, noted,
"Mobile TV represents a growing opportunity for the audiovisual content
industry. MIPCOM is proud to take an active role in promoting the development
of made-for-mobile content and facilitating commercial transactions on a global
level for both TV and film."

Awards are presented in the following categories: Best
Original Made-for-Mobile Film or Video Content; Best Repurposed Content from
Existing Film or TV Property; Best Made-for-Mobile TV Channel; Best Format for
Interactive Mobile TV and Best Mobile format for User-Generated Content. In
addition to these five categories, there will also be The Orange Grand Prize
for Innovation and a special recognition mention for the Best Digital
Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) projects.

For Best Original Made-for-Mobile Film or Video Content,
nominees are Go Go G-Boys and Medical
from Korea, Forget the
from Australia, Czech My
from the U.K., The REEL Deal from the U.S., 10 Things from South Africa, Jokes from Taiwan and Ninet Taieb Live from Israel.

In Best Repurposed Content from Existing Film or TV
Property, nominees are Sans Transition
from France, On This Day in History
and Barrio19 from the U.K., 24:
from the U.S. and CNBC
from Singapore.

The other nominees are as follows:

Best Made-for-Mobile TV Channel: SMOONIX TV (France),
Wildlight Film Channel (Ireland), NHK Mobile-G Channel (Japan), Hip Hop
Official (U.S.)

Best Format for Interactive Mobile TV: Popstar Sophie (Italy), Forget the Rules (Australia), Get Close to…Sugababes (U.K.)

Best Mobile Format for User-Generated Content: Soccer
(Italy), TINTO BRASS (Italy) and 3
Mobile's See Me TV (U.K.)