James Ross Embarks on New Asian Venture


HONG KONG: James Ross, formerly the regional director for Asia at ITV Studios Global Entertainment, has set up Lightning International, a new outfit that aids content owners looking to enter the Asian market.

Lightning, headquartered in Hong Kong, looks to assist broadcasters, advertising agencies and content owners and producers with their Asian efforts. Trace TV is already on board with Lightning, tapping into the company to help launch its new Trace Sports channel in the region, in addition to developing a local audience for its music TV properties in Asia. Lightning will assist the Paris-based Trace and its Malaysian-based Asia representative Huey Yi Wang in expanding distribution and finding new opportunities for both Trace Urban and Trace Sports.

Ross, who serves as CEO, commented: “With pay-TV revenues in Asia continuing to grow healthily by around 10 percent a year, and outstripping Europe and the U.S., we’ll offer companies outside Asia a stepping stone into what is undoubtedly the fastest growing market for content owners, producers and broadcasters. Whether it’s Greater China, Southeast Asia, Australasia or Japan and Korea, we offer ideas, insights and strategies for expanding into the Asia-Pacific region.”

Of the deal with Trace, Ross said: “Trace has a solid record of producing world-class channels, as they have shown with Trace Urban, which is the epitome of ‘cool,’ and now a new era begins with the rollout of another fresh and unique offering, Trace Sports.”

Olivier Laouchez, CEO of Trace, added: “We are happy to be working with James and Lightning International, in expanding our reach in Asia, at a very exciting time for Trace—Trace Sports will offer a unique insight into the exciting and glamorous lives of the world’s top athletes and sporting celebrities. We look forward to Lightning’s assistance in building the brand for Trace Sports, and in benefiting from James’ 15 years of TV experience in Asia.”