New PromaxBDA Co-Chairmen Named


LOS ANGELES: PromaxBDA has upped two members of its board of directors to serve as co-chairmen, Lisa Gregorian and Adam Stotsky.

Gregorian is the chief marketing officer at Warner Bros. Television Group. Stotsky is the president of marketing at NBC Entertainment. Michael Benson, the current chairman of the board of PromaxBDA and executive VP of marketing at ABC Entertainment Group, will be stepping down due to the completion of his term.

“Lisa and Adam have both made significant contributions to PromaxBDA as board members, and as co-chairmen, they will bring a wealth of insight, expertise and energy that will help drive the organization to a dynamic future,” said Jonathan Block-Verk, the president and CEO of PromaxBDA. “The combined leadership of these two highly accomplished industry executives assures the positive growth and evolution of our organization.”