Report Sees IPTV Growth

LONDON: As at the end of the second quarter, there were more than 26.3 million IPTV subscribers worldwide, according to Point Topic, reflecting a year-on-year increase of 53 percent.

“Growth in many of the early adopter countries, the U.S., France, Hong Kong, for example has been steady rather than spectacular—the real action is starting to take place elsewhere,” said John Bosnell, senior analyst at the research firm. South America and Europe—Eastern and Western—are proving to be key emerging territories, the report says.

There are challenges, however, for IPTV platforms taking on other video delivery systems, such as cable or satellite. “TV and the delivery of the content is a mature market," Bosnell explains. "There are an entrenched set of suppliers, often fenced with regulatory, even protectionist, hurdles. Add to this the lack of a stand-out USP [unique selling point] particularly when compared to cable TV and IPTV is plainly in a tough fight for subscribers."

He concluded: "With so many variables in terms of the infrastructure, the existing market, the bundles and content on offer, the various suppliers and the local regulations there will be different take-up rates across the world. Expecting IPTV to grow as rapidly as broadband itself isn’t a valid approach. With IPTV it’s a case of don’t believe the hype, but ignore its future at your peril."